This page provides information about regular Tuesday morning play. 

Sign Up Process

  1. Members will receive an email on Monday or Tuesday evening, to signup for golf on the following week. FYI, click on: “Fill out form”. Please note, all questions on the form must be complete before before submitting the form.

  2. The form has only 4 questions:

  1. What is your name ( Select your name from the dropdown)

  2. Are you golfing? -select yes or no. Note: no reply to the email it is assumed you will not be golfing.

  3. Are you walking, riding or, (for 18 holes) are you walking 9 holes & riding 9 holes?

  4. Are you a Nifty Niners - select yes or no

    Finally, Press the submit button and you are done! Note: You will get a message that your response was recorded.

    The form must be submitted no later than Friday at 4 pm for golf the following Tuesday.

    The tee sheet for Tuesdays play will be email out by Sunday evening.


    1. If you need to change something after you have submitted the google form, but before the Friday deadline, email the change required to vicsignup2024@gmail.com

    2. If you need to cancel after Friday deadline, call the pro shop @ (780) 496-2969 on Monday.

    3. If you missed the deadline and want to golf, call the pro shop Monday and the staff will try to accommodate you within the allotted league times, if there is available space.

    A simple system of tick, tick, submit, designed to make golf the focus of a great experience for all.

Check-in – members are asked to check in and be ready to play at least one-half hour before their tee times. If a few players with earlier tee times cancel, your tee time will be moved up. e.g. An 8:35 am tee time may become 8:15 am.
All members are encouraged to respect the feelings and views of others and be encouraging to their playing partners, especially those new to the club.  To help new players learn about the league, we encourage long term members to offer assistance over the season, answer questions, introduce them to others, and socialize upstairs after a round.  It takes many years for most of us to acquire golf knowledge and develop playing skills.   Although not all of us have the same abilities, we can recognize that everyone is important and that our differences make each of us special and should be valued. 

Two volunteers are needed each Tuesday - one volunteer for the early tee times, another for the later ones.  Members are encouraged to volunteer for “desk duty” at least once a season, signing up on the sheet posted in the locker room.  Pick an open Tuesday and time that suits you best. This helps the executive and it’s a way to meet club members.  When signing up to volunteer, consider your handicap for flighted tournament draws.  Lower handicaps tee off earlier.

Duties for Volunteers Working the Table:

  • Arrive early for your shift. A volunteer should be in place at least 30 minutes before the first group tees off. If you are the second volunteer, arrive in time to take over the duties of the first volunteer so she can join her group without being rushed.

  • Get a supply of scorecards and a copy of the draw sheet from the pro shop, or print off a copy and bring it with you.

  • Check off members as they come in. They should arrive half an hour before their tee times.

  • Record tee time and names of the foursome on the card in the same order as the draw sheet.

  • Move the next person up a group, if one of their members is late or does not show up.

  • Advise the group that the first person keeps the Master Card and is responsible for checking all the scores of the players in her group before she signs those cards.

  • Remind players to turn in their own cards for certain club tournaments. When this is required, it will be noted on the tee sheet.

  • Advise players of any special conditions or notices. Signage will be available.

NOTE: When moving a player to an earlier group, use the NEXT person(s) on the draw list, not someone several places lower down.   On occasion, it may be better to split six players into two groups of three rather than one group of four, followed by only two players who then have to wait on every hole.

Many of our games require only the Master Card be handed in for a group.  When individual scorecards are required (usually tournaments), print your full name (first and last) on the scorecard and hand it in for scoring or deposit it in the box in the locker room.  Ensure the numbers entered for strokes taken on each hole are legible and accurate.  Enter the total gross score.  Have your scorecard signed by the scorer and attested by the player, to be eligible for awards.  Don’t mark putts on the card turned in.

Keep a personal record of your games on a separate scorecard to assist in entering the adjusted score on Golf Canada website after each game.  The same card can be used for several weeks. 

A round of golf (18 holes) should take less than four and one-half hours.   Be conscious of slow play and keep up with the group ahead, NOT just ahead of the group behind.   A group is out of position if there is an open hole ahead.

Guidelines on Pace of Play for VLGC

  • Tell the other players in your group if you feel that your group is running behind.

  • Be ready to play your shot. With consideration for others in your group while they are playing, quietly start to put your glove on, check your yardage, and pick your club. When on the green line up your putt, if possible, ahead of time.

  • Limit your conversations to times when you’re walking or driving up to your ball. You should NEVER delay hitting because you’re waiting for someone to finish a conversation, or worse yet, because you’re talking yourself.

  • Speed up your exit from the green by positioning your bags/carts on the way to the next tee, not in front.

  • Move off the green as soon as your group has holed out and mark cards at the next tee.

  • Watch to see where the people in your playing group hit the ball. The more eyes on the ball, the better the chance of finding it when you get there.

  • Play a provisional ball if your ball may be lost outside a hazard or out of bounds.

  • Pick up your ball after ten strokes on a hole, except if playing in a tournament. Record your ESC maximum as the score on that hole.

In most of our club games, the foursome determines the order of play such as playing "ready golf". However, in flighted tournament draws, members may use “honours” determines the order of play. A player who has honours is the player who hits first from the teeing area.  On the first tee, honours is determined by the draw.   Thereafter, the player with the lowest score on the preceding hole gets honours on the next tee.  In the case of ties, order of hitting from the previous tee carries over. There is no penalty for playing out of order in stroke play (in match play, a golfer who goes out of order can be made to replay the shot without penalty).  In most other games, the foursome determines the order of play such as playing “ready golf”.