The Bylaws establish who can become a member, how the club is governed and how the affairs are administered. They were last revised in October of 2016.
These Bylaws must be interpreted broadly and generously.
VICTORIA LADIES’ GOLF CLUB - hereinafter referred to as “the Club”
a) To promote the game of golf in accordance with the policies and rules of Golf Canada, Alberta Golf , and the Edmonton Golf Association (EGA) - Ladies Division.
b) To promote ladies’ golf at the Club through fostering friendship, being respectful of each other, and encouraging good sportsmanship among all members.
c) To enable golfers of differing abilities to compete on an equitable basis by maintaining a uniform system of handicapping and scorekeeping.
d) To host, as required, women’s events sponsored by Golf Canada, Alberta Golf, and EGA-Ladies Division.
e) To govern through policies and procedures established by an elected Executive Committee.
a) Membership is open to any female amateur golfer as defined by Golf Canada. She shall be considered a member in good standing once annual membership fees are paid in full.
b) Members are required to maintain an accurate current handicap. All adjusted scores should be entered as soon as possible after play, using the approved electronic handicap system.
c) Members are expected to be familiar with and play by the Rules of Golf and are encouraged to attend the Rules and Etiquette Clinic scheduled each year.
d) The number of members in the Club may be capped if membership exceeds the number of tee times allocated to the Club, by the City of Edmonton.
e) All members of the Club shall pay an annual membership fee. The Executive Committee establishes the annual membership fee to meet the operational requirements of the Club and sets the date and time before which the fee must be paid
f) Refund for cancellation of membership fee paid shall be minus the portion paid to Golf Canada, Alberta Golf, and EGA-Ladies Division plus one fifth (1/5) of the remaining fee per each month in which the player took part in any Club event.
g) The Club is designated an 18 Hole Club. A Nine Hole Club is available for members at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
g) All Members shall abide and respect the Club bylaws, established rules, policies and procedures. Members shall not disrupt meetings or functions of the Club; disrupt or cause harm to the Club, or any of its members, or any golf course staff, equipment or property. Members in breach of these bylaws may be subject to suspension and/or cancellation of Club membership.
The Executive Committee
a) The affairs of the Club shall be administered by an elected Executive Committee. Subject to the Bylaws, the Executive Committee:
I. Promotes the objectives of the club
II. Monitors the finances of the Club, determines membership fees, and reports on revenues and expenditures.
III. Ensures two members in good standing are appointed at the Annual General Meeting to conduct an internal audit of the Club’s finances.
IV. Establishes and implements policies and procedures for managing and operating the Club and takes actions necessary to achieve the objectives of the club.
V. Strikes committees or appoints individual members in good standing to perform any function except those reserved in these Bylaws for Executive Committee members.
VI. Establishes descriptions of authority and duty for the officers of the Executive Committee.
VII. Maintains accurate records and proceedings of all meetings, of all policies, of all financial records, of these Bylaws and amended Bylaws and other matters necessary for the operation of the Club.
VIII. Makes the records of the Club available for inspection by all members in good standing, subject to protection of personal information requirements.
IX. Ensures the content on the website is accurate and current.
X. Reports fully to the membership annually.
b) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following positions:
President Handicap Coordinator
Past President Social Coordinator
Vice President City of Edmonton Liaison
Secretary EGA Ladies Division Liaison
Treasurer Marshall Cup Coordinator
Sports Captain Podersky Cup Coordinator
Sports Captain Elect
c) Each member in good standing of the Club is eligible to be elected or appointed to the Executive Committee.
d) At the Fall Annual General Meeting, the voting members in good standing elect members to vacant positions on the Executive Committee.
e) The term of office for elected positions shall be two (2) years, with the exception of the Past President who has the option of stepping down after one year.
f) It is assumed that the Vice President will become the President. However, if she cannot take on the role, then another member of the Executive Committee may be elected as President.
g) If any member of the Executive Committee must step down prior to the end of her term, the Executive Committee may appoint another member from the Club to replace her to ensure the functions of this position are fulfilled. If an appointed member chooses to continue in this position, her name is placed on the slate for election at the next Annual General Meeting.
Subject to these Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall determine terms of reference for all committees and their chairs. Members of the Executive Committee are expected to keep accurate records of their activities so they can be passed on to succeeding members who assume executive positions. All members of the Executive Committee may have other responsibilities delegated or assigned to them.
a) President
The President shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee and the Club, and as such, provide reasonable advance notice regarding executive and general meetings, preside at all meetings, provide leadership, keep order and maintain progress in line with the agenda and schedule. The President shall provide support and assistance to other officers, liaise as necessary with the Business Ladies Club Executive, and perform other duties relevant in meeting the Club’s objectives. She reports to the membership and Executive Committee.
b) Past President
The Past President shall attend meetings and provide guidance and assistance to the Executive Committee. She shall oversee the maintenance of the Club website to ensure the content is accurate and current.
c) Vice President
The Vice President presides at meetings in the President’s absence. The Vice President shall coordinate the Nomination Committee by soliciting nominations from the membership and ensuring the nominee is prepared to accept the nomination. She shall recommend for election at least one candidate for each vacancy on the Executive Committee. The Vice President presents a slate of nominees for election at the Annual General Meeting.
d) Secretary
The Secretary shall record and maintain accurate records of proceedings at all meetings. She shall ensure final minutes and accompanying reports are made available to members. The Secretary shall maintain records of policies and bylaws and make the records available for review by all members in good standing, subject to protection of personal information requirements. Records must be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years.
e) Treasurer/Membership Coordinator
The Treasurer shall maintain and protect the financial assets and records of the club. The Treasurer receives membership registrations and collects membership fees. She shall collaborate with other Executive Members to exchange information on members. The Treasurer pays expenses for the operation and maintenance of the Club. She shall have two members in good standing conduct an internal audit of the Club’s finances each year. The Treasurer reports to the Executive Committee and membership on revenues and expenditures. Records must be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years.
f) Sports Captain
The Sports Captain is responsible for planning and implementing the season’s golf events for the Club. She prepares and presents the golf schedule for the season; coordinates the weekly sign-in process, prepares the weekly draw and posts and distributes the draw to members, compiles and posts results. The Sports Captain organizes club competitions and tournaments; procures and presents club trophies and awards. She liaises with Executive members, the Business Ladies Club Executive, and as necessary with the Golf Course Professional(s) on rules and other golf situations. She reports to the membership and Executive Committee on policies, procedures and rules implemented for club events. She collaborates with other Executive members to exchange information on members. The Sports Captain may establish and chair a sub-committee and recruit members to assist in fulfilling her assigned duties.
g) Sports Captain Elect
The Sports Captain Elect assists the Sports Captain, coordinates nine hole player events, assumes assigned duties and is a member of the sub-committee that may be established to plan and implement the Club’s golf events.
h) Handicap Coordinator
The Handicap Coordinator assists members in establishing and maintaining an accurate and current handicap. She liaises with Golf Canada and Alberta Golf. She monitors members’ handicap records, in an approved handicap system, for compliance and coordinates as necessary with the Sports Captain to ensure fair competition. She shall collaborate with other Executive Members to exchange information on members. She reports to the membership and the Executive Committee.
i) Social Coordinator
The Social Coordinator shall oversee catering arrangements for Club sponsored events such as visiting club luncheon and the Annual Fall Banquet. Other duties may include venue staging; coordinating raffles and prize draws, gathering and displaying draw items, and other duties as may be delegated. The Social Coordinator liaises with other members of the Executive Committee as required. She may enlist members to assist her in fulfilling her responsibilities. She reports to the membership and Executive Committee.
j) City of Edmonton Liaison
The City of Edmonton Liaison attends the Municipal Golf Course Advisory Committee meetings held with regard to City operated golf courses. She presents Club concerns and issues to the City and provides reports on outcomes to the membership and the Executive Committee.
k) EGA Liaison
The EGA-Ladies Division Liaison attends all EGA and Ladies Division meetings as the Club’s liaison and coordinates activities regarding annual interclub competition, club visits and amateur ladies tournaments with other members of the Executive Committee. The EGA-Ladies Division Liaison will coordinate the process in selecting the club’s representative to the Tournament of Champions in consultation with other members of the executive. She posts and distributes information and reports to the membership and Executive Committee.
l) Marshall Cup Coordinator
The Marshall Cup Coordinator oversees scheduling and selection of members participating in this match-play competition sponsored by the EGA-Ladies Division. She shall liaise as necessary with the Podersky Cup Coordinator, the Victoria Business Ladies Liaison, and the EGA-Ladies Division Marshall Cup Chair, the Club EGA-Ladies Division Liaison, the golf course staff and food services staff. She reports to the membership and Executive Committee.
m) Podersky Cup Coordinator
The Podersky Cup Coordinator oversees scheduling and selection of members participating in this two-ball handicap inter-club competition sponsored by the EGALadies Division. She liaises as necessary with the Marshall Cup Coordinator, the EGALadies Division Podersky Cup Chair, the Club EGA-Ladies Division Liaison, the golf course staff and food services staff. She reports to the membership and Executive Committee.
The Executive may combine the Podersky Cup and Marshall Cup functions; one person is that of the coordinator and the second is that of an assistant.
a) The President chairs Club meetings; or in the absence of the President the Vice President will chair the meeting. In the case of the President and Vice President being absent, a chair shall be selected from those attending the meeting.
b) The Chair may adjourn the meeting with the consent of the simple majority of the members present at the meeting.
c) Each member has one vote. Voting at a meeting shall be conducted by a show of hands. When requested by at least five (5) members in good standing, voting may be done, instead, by ballot. A majority of the votes decides each issue, motion and resolution.
d) The Chair declares a resolution carried or lost. The decision of the Chair is final. In the event of a tie vote, the President will cast the deciding vote.
e) Procedure at all meetings shall be conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order.
f) Notification of business to be included on the agenda for consideration at meetings shall be submitted in writing /email to the President not less than one (1) week prior to the meeting.
g) The agenda for meetings shall generally follow the outline used for the Annual General Meeting as set out below, with the exception of approving the AGM minutes and election of executive
A Spring General Meeting for the membership shall be held during the month of April at a date, time, and location approved by the Executive. The purpose of the meeting is to welcome returning and new members, receive payment of membership fees, review club objectives and summarize reports and recent decisions.
a) The Annual General Meeting combined with the annual banquet and Club awards shall be held near the end of, or at the conclusion of the golf season at a place and time approved by the Executive Committee.
b) The following Agenda shall be used for the Annual General Meeting:
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Approve the Agenda
III. Minutes of Last AGM Meeting
IV. Business arising from Minutes
V. Presidents Remarks
VI. Treasurer’s Report
VII. Committee Reports
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX. New Business
X. Election of Executive to Vacant Positions
XI. Adjournment
a) The Executive Committee shall meet at least two (2) times each fiscal year.
b) A meeting of the Executive Committee may be conducted in person, by conference call or by email. Decisions, such as approval of motions made electronically via email, shall be recorded in the minutes of the next Executive Committee meeting.
c) A majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee attending such meetings shall constitute a quorum.
d) The President, or in her absence, three (3) members of the Executive Committee may call a Special Meeting as deemed necessary upon reasonable notice to all other members of the Executive Committee.
e) All elected members of the executive shall have full voting privileges at Executive Committee meetings. Assistants enlisted to assist elected Executive Committee members may attend and participate in meetings but shall not vote unless substituting for the elected member who is not present at the Executive Committee meeting.
Designated authorities to sign cheques are the Treasurer, the President, and the Vice-President.
Two of these members are required to sign any and all cheques drawn on the accounts of the Club.
The fiscal year of the Club shall be January 1 to end on the thirty-first day of December each year.
No member of the Club, in her individual capacity, shall be liable for a debt or liability of the Club.
The Bylaws of Victoria Ladies’ Golf Club may be amended or varied by a Special Resolution of the Executive Committee and ratified by Special Resolution of the members at a General Meeting. Members may submit amendments in writing to the Executive Committee. For the Executive Committee to bring such amendments forward for ratification at a General Meeting there must be a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee. Amendments to the Bylaws will be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes eligible at a General Meeting. Any business that involves a Special Resolution should be circulated to the membership at least two weeks (14 days) prior to the General Meeting